Sunday, 29 January 2012
Monday, 23 January 2012
LYYB's Video Of The Month
Here is our monthly video that makes everyone at LYYB do a bit of happy wee...
We love Harry & Alfie's unique music making and with a bit of help from a friendly face who appears to be doing the filming.
We love Harry & Alfie's unique music making and with a bit of help from a friendly face who appears to be doing the filming.
Harry and Alfie,
Not to Blame,
Sunday, 22 January 2012
Silent Sunday #8
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
Anything you can do, we can do better 'Changing a Tyre'

This is a simple idea yes? Said man throws a mission our way with set rules and an invigilator to make sure we pass the test in the correct way and we then write you an amusing account.
In the end we tell you what our consensus is ... did we do it better than a man.
Although some may say changing a tyre is ‘easy’ that’s because all men say it ... hence this challenge ... so this month the LYYB ladies have to change a tyre dressed like girls (we know they are already girls but what we mean is in heels!!)
This month invigilator/challenger was the fantastic and ever so manly Julian Moore what a hero.
Here are the guide lines:
- Must be complete within 30 minutes.
- Remove tyre completely
- Put tyre back on
Sounds simple right? Lets see how they got on!
Emma: You think this would be easy, WRONG. Jumping up and down on your car to remove some bolts in heels is hard work, not to mention getting covered in grease, freezing your lady garden off and pulling un-attractive faces whilst using your lack of strength. I thought at many stages during this challenge we weren’t going to complete it, anyone who says changing a tyre for the first time is easy hasn’t done it. Safe to say I could change a tyre again if need be, I think it’s a useful skill if you drive. I felt a massive sense of achievement once we’d completed the task it was such a rush. I felt like a true manly man.
Gemma: I didn’t have a clue about how to change a tyre so the whole experience was a huge learning curve for me. I am definitely proud that we did it and kept our femininity. Doing it in heels seems silly it actually helped while squatting at the tyre it helped our posture and gave us a great work out for our thighs. Although we proved girls can do it to, its still not going to stop me from ringing a male member of my family or batting my eyelashes and smiling nicely at the side of the road, when I do need to get my tyre changed.
Top Tyre Changing Tips From LYYB:
Tyre kit for ladies: Our LYYB advice is keep these things in your car just in case; something to kneel on, gloves, baby wipes, hand sanitiser, make sure you have the correct tools in your boot (Emma found out she didn’t have a jack in her car!!) and multiple types of shoes just in case. chocolate as a little pick me up to say ‘well done’ for changing your own tyre.
Invigilator comments: Top Banana …
So the general consensus is ...
Of course ladies can change tyres as well as any man can ... we do have to be shown how and patients is key. Remember practise makes perfect, have a little run through, you wouldn’t want to be stuck on the roadside without a hope.
Maybe we’ll start an all female breakdown service ...
LYYB to the rescue!
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Another photo slideshow by Smilebox |
Monday, 16 January 2012
Gemma's Monthly...
So this month I was a bit stuck about to what to write! As I'm sitting here stroking my beard chin, I am wondering what you guys would want to read. I admit that I am not a big writer so I have decided for this month to give you guys some of my favourite quotes. We all need a little bit of inspiration in our lives. Enjoy.
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Be apart of our LYYB social media community: Follow us on Twitter or 'Like' us on Facebook
Sunday, 15 January 2012
Silent Sunday #7
New Years Eve,
New Years Resolutions,
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
Ask a Bird- January
The boys at LYYB have been feeling rather left out of the dating loop, so we decided after a large number of queries to ask the birds what the craic is! We all know the girls are as equally complex as the boys … so it’s time to level the playing field.
'Being single is a constant battle for all parties involved, first dates are especially mind boggling, what are your do’s and don’ts for that ever so awkward occasion? How do you think gents should appear? Dressed up? Should they kiss us? Is it wrong to sleep with someone on the first date? Basically ladies round up your first date etiquette for us'
I'd have to say that regardless of how well you know the person sex on the first date is a no no! As it gives men the wrong impression and although you may not think it at the time ... They really want to have to work for it! I think kissing on a first date is acceptable as you've got to give them a little taste to keep them interested! Also flirting is a must you just don't want to make it all about flirting as again they'll get the wrong impression! You have to balance flirting and talking so that you can get to know one another. I don't really mind on whether the guy dresses up, it depends on the type of date, but I want to see that they've made an effort not just picked up a manky t-shirt off their bedroom floor and sprayed a bit of lynx on!! And they definitely have to have brushed their teeth ... As a guy with manky breath is such a massive turn off!! Finally the type of date is important.. It has to be something fun ... and if they're a penny pincher the whole time I wouldn't go on a second date. I'm not saying they have to spend loads just be a gentleman!
First date ...Guys should come dressed smart casual but in the style of clothing they like to wear, I think men should just go as themselves. I think sleeping with someone on the first date is a no no. It could make you seem desperate, easy or only on the date for the fun factor and nothing more. I would see how the night goes but I don't see the problem in a goodnight kiss. But guys should not push for sex on the first night it makes them seem sleezy and non interested. Men should be made to wait till the at least the 5th meeting maybe longer it all depends on the people. it's what ever human nature tells you to do.
Su B, 22
Defiantly wrong to sleep with someone on a first date! I am very traditional, like to see a fella dressed up smart, perhaps giving a kiss on the cheek. Women should keep something to the imagination and something exciting! Don't get boobs and legs out... just one. Don't make the first move, always be asked! Do be yourself, He will find out one day what you are really like! Do wear matching under wear. It makes you feelgood! Guys dress smart and pay!
Defiantly wrong to sleep with someone on a first date! I am very traditional, like to see a fella dressed up smart, perhaps giving a kiss on the cheek. Women should keep something to the imagination and something exciting! Don't get boobs and legs out... just one. Don't make the first move, always be asked! Do be yourself, He will find out one day what you are really like! Do wear matching under wear. It makes you feelgood! Guys dress smart and pay!
First date Do's are:- Confidence! Let it shine through. Are you shy? no problem, just don’t hide behind your glass. Gents should dress not to smart but not to casual, a nice shirt, tidy jeans or trousers and clean shoes. If the moment is there for a kiss fine, but on a first date its not right to sleep with each other. Try and arange a second date towards the end of your first date unless your not that keen! Offer to buy the lady a drink. general chit chat is required but not life stories just yet. Get to know the person, like what there job is? how long have they lived in the area. just simple things. Sit in a comfy position and do not try to be someone your not. erm.......................................... brush your teeth before you go out. And stay away from the garlic while on a date. even though I’m a huge fan, I will also do the same, as after a while you don’t smell too good. Don’t be on your phone all the time... its a first date so should just be the both of you.
Check out what our lads say about this... 'Ask a Chap'
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blind dates,
first date,
first date etiquette,
Monday, 9 January 2012
Fibro My What?

I have a condition called fibromyalgia. It is strangely comforting to say that as it took seven years of going to my GP with the same symptoms to get a diagnosis. It was a new locum doctor at my surgery that first dropped the F word. I'm ashamed to admit I dropped a few F words myself, but I suppose I can be forgiven.
Since I was fifteen I have felt tired, unable to do anything more than basic levels of exercise (though I never moaned about that at school as any excuse to get out of PE was a God-send), forgetful and clumsy. This was all put down to being a depressed teenager with growing pains.
I was constantly getting hassle from teachers about not doing my homework and still being at school at five o'clock on the last day of my coursework extension. Even I thought I was just lazy. I was good at school and I knew the answers so why did I always get such mental block? Lack of effort? Distracting myself with friends, or books, or food?
I managed to get all A-C in my GCSEs and got into college to study forensic science. I soon realised the course wasn't really what I wanted to do but I'd started and intended to finish. But the same problems soon started. I was always tired and found it difficult to concentrate in lessons and this time I wasn't chased for coursework so I just didn't do it. I left at the beginning of the second term and got a job in a supermarket.
I went back to college the following year and did my A-Levels. I pulled myself through them and got into University to study English. I wanted to apply for Cambridge but was discouraged from doing so as I missed quite a lot of lessons and my tutor didn't think it was worth it. She was right really.
At uni, guess what? Same old, same old. I began regularly missing lectures, I couldn't finish my reading in time and stopped doing assignments. I spent days on end in bed, only getting up to make pints of tea but even lifting the kettle hurt. One day I forced myself up and to the GP surgery on crutches. The pain was somewhat glossed over and I was diagnosed with depression, given medication and referred to the uni counsellor. I noticed a considerable change but it was too late, I didn't have time to catch up on the work so that was my first and only year at university.
I got myself a job in a call centre and survived on caffeine to get me through the day as the little sleep I got was constantly disrupted and plagued with lots of dreams leaving me more tired than when I went to bed. I wasn't reaching performance targets as I put off making calls. It can be quite embarrassing to phone a customer and within a minute or two forget completely what you're meant to be saying to them! I missed a couple of weeks of work as I was stuck in bed and I was asked politely but firmly to leave on the last day of my three month induction, which happened to be the day after my diagnosis.
Fibromyalgia. Just one word but it explained away seven years of bad joints, exhaustion, poor sleep, forgetfulness, no concentration, headaches and stomach complaints. All of that clumped together as one problem felt good; I wasn't just sickly and getting every thing going around. But I was confused as I'd never heard of it before. The doctor told me it was to do with my brain rather than my joints as there was nothing physically wrong with them. She also advised me to be very careful using the F word as it had "negative connotations".
I wasn't given any information and went home and looked it up myself. I have a fairly good understanding of what the condition is now but I don't want to go into much detail here as I don't want to accidentally mislead anyone. My basic understanding is it is caused by chemical imbalances in the brain that prevent one reaching the deepest stage of sleep and sending pain signals from areas that are physically fine.
Fibromyalgia can't be cured but most symptoms can be relieved to some extent. Mild doses of anti depressants can help with the sleep. One thing that kept popping up was diet. Following some advice I read I cut out my extravagant consumption of caffeine (and boy, was that hard! How do people come off heroin if I found it that hard to stop drinking tea and Coke?) and also to cut out white flour, sugar and alcohol. I'm already a vegan and restricting my diet further wasn't much fun and I began to resent it. However, two weeks later I went for a walk around the village. That might sound like nothing but it was the most activity I had done since I was at school, some four years before.
That was nearly two years ago now. I have a job in a hospital and I'm currently applying to go back to university to study English and Creative writing in September and plan to keep studying until I'm Prof Sophie May. I also have the energy for hobbies again! I make clothes, read, go to all my boyfriend's gigs and I'm writing a novel. I stick to my restricted diet and have vitamin B12 injections every three months to help with my memory and concentration.
I still get bad days. I'm having one today and haven't been out of bed yet; it's taken me some time to write this! Sometimes that's because I slip up and have a glass of Coke or a sandwich with white bread. Fibromyalgia also adds an extra kick to any hangover! The biggest factor I can't control completely is my hormones and PMT to me is three days in bed, tired and aching, but that can be helped to some degree with things like the Pill and contraceptive implants. I'm just grateful it's only the odd day.
I started this article planning to make it humorous and light-hearted but found it surprisingly difficult to make light of. The one thing I really wanted to stick to was not making this a sob story or to make people think I'm being somewhat brave or hardy by getting through it as I'm neither. Everyone has things they have to learn to live with as this it for me and many other people. I just wanted to give you a glimpse into our world.
Written by Sophie May
Edited by Emma Davies
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Sunday, 8 January 2012
Silent Sunday #6
Wednesday, 4 January 2012
The Un-conventional Dating Game
The LYYB co-founders are both single (get your violins at the ready) they’ve been dateless for months, tragically spending nights alone and contemplating purchasing flannel pyjamas.
LYYB has had enough of their tragic ways, so we sent them on a few rather un-conventional dating tasks, we know for a fact Emma has had many problems with Internet dating and we know that Gemma has had many a knock back from misleading blind dates ... but how will our ladies fair when we ask them to push the boundaries on the single scene ... can any of these crazy, insane and potentially dangerous tasks lead them to boyfriends? Or will we be seeing their faces on the 10 o’clock news?
At LYYB we have decided that in modern life Internet dating, speed dating and blind dates are all pretty ‘conventional’ dating methods, we know that in busy times people struggle to socially meet each other without being wasted in a night club or at work.
We’ve set our two single ladies three tasks that could result in potential dates ... *crosses fingers*
We’ve set our two single ladies three tasks that could result in potential dates ... *crosses fingers*
No 1: The sign
The sign as stated consists of advertising the LYYB ladies in the windows of the official LYYB motor.
The sign as stated consists of advertising the LYYB ladies in the windows of the official LYYB motor.
Emma: I didn’t imagine this would work and quite frankly it didn’t I’m sure selling a car in this way works because the sign is attached to the goods your selling. No takers for me using this technique. Hilarious stares though.

Gemma: I think this could have worked if we hadn’t done this on a Sunday when all the old farts (who don't have a clue what a BBM is ) are out doing there Christmas shopping. I think if we had done our research and driven around and parked in a place where hot men are ie. a rugby club and maybe put our phone numbers on it then we would have had more punters. Definitely worth doing again.
No 2: The Roulette
The Mission was to find boyfriends or potential dates via chatroulette www.chatroulette.com ... would the LYYB ladies find love or find genitals galore.
The Mission was to find boyfriends or potential dates via chatroulette www.chatroulette.com ... would the LYYB ladies find love or find genitals galore.
Emma: This is a dangerous game, mainly male body parts on show, I don’t think this is the place to find dates, especially as you’re thrown in with people from all over the world, but you can meet some interesting people here and have conversations of an intellectual nature ... or get your bits out if you fancy.
Gemma: Chatroulette is a great pick me up. if you want to be flattered and feel sexy this is the place you want to go. Although its easy to get a guys attention and ask them on a date, the lads you are talking to are half way across the world and just want to see some naughtiness.
No 3: The Advertisement
When you’re single don’t you always joke ‘maybe I should just have a massive sign and an arrow pointing at me that says single’ ... well that’s what your LYYB ladies did ...
When you’re single don’t you always joke ‘maybe I should just have a massive sign and an arrow pointing at me that says single’ ... well that’s what your LYYB ladies did ...

I think what our LYYB ladies are saying is maybe sticking to conventional methods is best … especially if weirdos are involved.
At least Gemma and Emma can say they tried these crackers methods.
One day they’ll find some yummy men to take them off our hands but until then at least they have each other … (sad but true)
One day they’ll find some yummy men to take them off our hands but until then at least they have each other … (sad but true)
Sunday, 1 January 2012
Ask a Chap- January
At LYYB the ladies of the business are always pontificating the behavioural traits of the gentlemen they encounter. We decided we’d had enough of their constant and frustrated pondering so LYYB is putting these ever so complex questions to four men a month in a bid to put our lady issues to rest.
'Being single is a constant battle for all parties involved, first dates are especially mind boggling, what are your do’s and don’ts for that ever so awkward occasion? How do you think us ladies should appear? Dressed up? Should we kiss you? Is it wrong to sleep with someone on the first date? Basically gents round up your first date etiquette for us'

First dates: its definitely wrong to sleep or try to sleep with someone on the first date it comes across creepy and could ruin any chance of things working out! I think walk them home or pay for the taxi and a kiss before you leave each other is the best way to end it, if you still like each other after the first date then a kiss will keep each party wanting more (providing you don't get slobbered on) Rule 1 is the bloke should always pay for the whole first date, don't be afraid to open up and be honest about things it keeps conversation going and let's her know more about you, obviously you don't want to go to far but If she still doesn't think your insane afterwards then a second date hopefully will be on the cards. Ask plenty of questions, this should come naturally as nervous as you might be after all you should be interested in her if your on a date together. Don't try to be funny it just makes you look stupid normally the harder you try the less funny you are, you’re either funny or you’re not never try to be something you’re not! Big rule is never lie about stuff if you end up together then they will find out the truth! remember you are both gonna be nervous so stay calm don't over think things and just be yourself (as cheesy as that sounds)

For Guys--
Do: open doors, pull out chairs, be polite, not just to your date but to everyone you come into contact with whilst in your date's company, ask open ended questions and actually listen to the answer (it makes a difference)
For Ladies--
Do: Dress in whatever fashion makes you feel the most comfortable but wear nice perfume (dudes are suckers for nice smells), kiss but don't sleep with on first date (any girl I've ever slept with on a first date has never lasted long), when the bill comes let us pay but at the very least put up a little fight (it makes us feel like men)

Please let us know beforehand of any dietary needs you have. There is nothing worse than booking the best table at a nice restaurant only to discover you hate everything on the menu. Make an effort with clothes and appearance, but don’t fret about it too much.
A kiss on the cheek is the acceptable greeting for both parties.
Feel free to talk about anything that interests you. If you find we’re being a little quiet, don’t back off; engage with us. Besides that, we like to listen. However….
If you want dessert, have dessert.
Sex on a first date should be regarded as a possibility. Make it clear to us if that that is the direction you want the evening to be heading. Carry condoms. We will think you are responsible, not a slut. Sorry to say, but we may forget them ourselves.
Whatever happens, enjoy yourself. It is meant to be fun after all.
me first dates are all about looking for that spark and discovering whether the
girl is on the same wavelength as me, and as such etiquette comes second to
this. First impressions and looks aren't everything but of course I'm not naive
enough to think that they don't hold weight. For example if I arrange to meet a
girl in my local pub and she rocks up looking like something from TOWIE then
I'm going to be understandably apprehensive. Similarly if we're meeting in a
cocktail bar and she turns up in jeans and a hoodie I'm not going to be
impressed, so with regards to dress-code common sense should prevail on both
sides. I'll freely admit I'm old fashioned when it comes to these things, sex
on a first date isn't a no-no but there has to be some serious chemistry for me
to consider it. Too many people rush into it, for me the anticipation makes it
all the sweeter when you do eventually get to the bedroom. As for kissing I
think again that largely depends on the chemistry. If I think the date's gone
well and I'm getting the right signals then of course I'll make a move and
would welcome it if she did the same, otherwise if she gives me a peck on the
cheek at the end of the night then I'm not going to be disappointed, it is only
the first date after all.
Ask a Chap,
do's and don'ts,
first date,
first date etiquette,
mind boggling,
sleeping with someone on the first date
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